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Vinyl coating, the flexible coating for furniture finish

Vinyl coating is is the coating that is made with vinyl resin as the main ingredient. The vinyl resins is the resin resulted from the polymerization of vinyl acetate monomer. According to the name vinyl, there are many types of resins that can be classified as vinyl resins. The vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, vinyl toluene, are the vinyl resin. But the vinyl resin which is widely used to make furniture finishing material is the vinyl butyral, the resin made from the reaction between alcohol and vinyl butyraldehyde. To make the vinyl clear coating, vinyl butyral resin is modified with phenol resin, shellac or nitrocellulose to increase the adhesion and solubility. Lacquer thinner is added to the mix to reduce its viscosity. The ready to use vinyl coating is usually thin material (the solid content is about 12%). The higher solid content will be followed the high viscosity that make it is difficult to be sprayed. Vinyl clear coating can be used in combination with other types of clear coating such as: nitrocellulose, polyurethane or acid curing.

 vinyl finish for rattan

The properties of vinyl coating
  • elastic
The vinyl layer has elastic and flexible properties. The resulting film can be bent without cracking. This coating can be used to coat the flexible and movable substrate
  • Low solid content
Vinyl coating has low solid content, the average solid content of this coating in application is about 12%. If the solid content is increased, the viscosity of the coating will increase quickly and make the difficulty in application.
  • Difficult to be sanded
The vinyl coating is difficult to be sanded. The film resulted is flexible and sticky and tend to stick on the sandpaper. The addition of sanding agent is also limited. Too much sanding agent will increase the viscosity of the coating and making the application to be difficult.
  • High compatibility with other type of coating
The coat has high compatibility with other coating. He can be applied in combination with NC, or Acrylic. For  some cases he also can be applied with other type of coating such as PU, AC and water-based

The uses of vinyl coating
  • To finish the movable substrate
Vinyl coating is one of the most appropriate finishing materials for the finishing process on flexible and moveable substrates such as : rattan, leather, water hyacinth, banana leaves and other moving media. 
  • To add the adhesion of the finishing
Vinyl coating is usually used together with NC or Acrylic paint to increase the adhesion of the finishing layer. Vinyl coating is sometime used to overcome finishing adhesion problems that are often found in finishes that use filler or glaze.

Things that need to be considered when uses vinyl coating for finishing
  • This coating is not suitable to build thick film 
This coating has low solid content and difficult to be sanded. It is not suitable to make the finishing with thick layer and film build. Many layer of coating is needed to build the film. The coating is also take longer time to dry and difficult to be sanded that make it be more complicated in application for the process. 
  • use this coating carefully
When the coating is used in combination with other type of coating, then it must be done carefully. make sure the the combination work well and give good result. Do test the finishing process in small panel and make sure it well before use it in the product or big volume work.

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