Color problem in the wood furniture finishing
Color variation in wood finish
Color in the wood finish
Color is a very important element in a process of finishing. Of course it is, since one of the principal objectives of the finishing process is to coloring an object. At the time we decide to do a finishing process, we usually already have a picture about the end color and appearance of the product we want.
One factor that often makes the color is little bit complicated is the fact that the assessment of the color is very subjective thing. Everyone has a different sensitivity and concern in seeing color, as well as in determining the tolerance of the differences existing color. Some people can accept a different color on a product with high tolerance, while there are some other people who have a very high sensitivity and requires very little tolerance for the differences of the color. Color in the wood finishing can become more complex because the color on the wood finishing strongly influenced by the base color of the wood substrate finished. While wood as the main raw material for furniture product can have a color variation depending on the circumstances when the wood is alive. A wood with the same type can have a base color that is far different each other. That it makes the colors on the wood finish sometimes becomes more difficult problem.
On finishing the workshop which receives a customized finishing job; the color adjustment that is done together with customers at the end of the finishing process is a very effective way to help satisfy our customers and reduce objections to the results of our staining. Meanwhile, for the finishing process with a large amount the quality control role and a sample color is very important in maintaining the stability of color
- The control of color stability
Color stability is an important factor in a finishing industry. A finishing industry is expected to make finishing with the same color as long as the products are still sell able in the market. Due to the market, the product is expected to be staying uniform, including the color.
In fact, a finishing process often has difficulty in maintaining the stability of the resulting color. Often encountered finishing results with color vary between one product with another, or even there is color variation in one item. For some people the color is one problem that is difficult to handle, but actually we can make it easier if we know how to handle it.. Here are some things that must be considered in maintaining the stability of color.
- The base color of the wood
Finishing color actually is not too difficult to be managed if we know the staining principle and then figure out how to create and control the color. The principle of coloring is that a final color of an item formed by blend the base color of the substrate with the color stain applied thereon. Wood is a material which has a base color variation. This wood base color differences can be quite far even for the same type of wood, moreover for different types of wood. Therefore before we begin of coloring, the first time we have to recognize the basic colors of wood which we will finish. To help to see colors more clearly in a wood, we can do by wetting the wood surface with thinner or mineral spirits. The wet wood color is a color that will bee looked when wood is coated with clear coating on it. Once we know the basic color of the wood correctly, then we can choose the stain colors that proper to coloring the wood. About staining in the wood you can view it in my previous article: color wheel in the wood finishing. If necessary do the sap stain and equalizer stain application to even the base color of the wood (see my article: how to match color in wood finishing).
- The proper stain
Stain is a finishing material used to form colors. To produce the correct color of finishing the stain finish that is used must also be correct. Therefore before a stain is applied in a product, it must be checked and observed to make sure the satin is still in good condition. Please note that sometimes the stain could change if not properly stored, especially in a long time. In the process of mass production, a stain that is used for the production process is very vulnerable to contaminate with other materials and make the stain color change. In my experience most problems occur due to the finishing color is caused by the incorrect stain that is used. The stain color has changed without ever checked, or even because of a mistake in retrieval stain.
- The stain application
How to apply the stain is another factor to be considered in the finishing process. The same stain will produce a different coloration when applied with different thickness. Because it is, a finishing process should always be maintained so that the process of finishing material application is done follow the standards finishing process of to produce the same and uniform final color. A step panel is very necessary in a process of finishing. Step panel is a tool that can be used to follow a finishing process to produce the desired color.

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