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Finishing for the wood veneered panel.

Finishing is the last step in a series of processes to make product from wood (veneer). The process of finishing to the veneer panels is very similar to the finishing process for solid wood panels. The stain and coating used and the finishing looked for the veneer panel are very much the same with the finishing for the solid wood panel. But however, the wood veneer and solid wood are different material, so there may be some differences properties between both of them that have to be considered in the finishing process 
  • The finishing color.
Although the wood veneered panel can be finished in any color, but the transparent color finish is the most proper color. The panel is layered with wood veneer since we want to get the wood looked and the wood characters at the panel, then the finish should also enhance the beauty of the wood looked of the veneer. The transparent finish is absolutely needed when the special exotic veneer is used and when the veneer is arranged in the special form and pattern. For the panel with special inlay veneer then even the dark stain should be avoid since it may block and kill the special effect of the veneer setting. A transparent finish with light stain or without stain application and the good quality clear coat is the most recommended finish for the inlay veneer.  

finishing for inlay veneer 

The solid color or opaque color will totally kill the beauty and the special looked for the veneer. If the light paint is used to make a semi-transparent paint then we may still be able to see the pattern of grain and pores of the wood. It still can be used to finish for some veneered panel. But if the full closed solid color finish is needed, then we better use m.d.f. or particle board as the substrates. The m.d.f. and particle surface which has no pores and grain can be easier finished to make solid color.
  • Porosity.
Wood veneer panel only has a thin layer of wood on the surface. Therefore, he tends to have bigger porosity and absorb more finishing material compared with the solid wood panel. If we finish the wood veneer and solid in combination in one step finishing, then me may need to be treat differently to the veneer part. Avoid too wet spray at the veneer part. If the glaze application is used, then we may need to apply the inert glaze or glaze base to the veneer part before apply the glaze overall the surface. It will help to make better color blend between the veneer part and the solid wood.
The wood veneer is sometime has different color base, pore and pattern with the solid wood. The veneer usually is made from the older and more straight trees. The veneer tends to have bigger and deeper pore and grain. If the close pores finish is needed, then we may need to apply the filler to fill the wood veneer pores and grain.
  • The sanding process.
The sanding for the wood veneered panel is about the same with the sanding process for wood panel from solid wood. The sanding must be done gradually with the coarse sandpaper followed by the fines sandpaper. First time sanding we can use the 150 to clean the tape, glue or stain at the veneered surface. The sanding with #180 is needed to remove the sanding mark from the #150 sandpaper. The final sanding with #240 grade sandpaper is needed to prepare the smooth surface for the finishing process. But the sanding must be done carefully, Wood veneer usually has only thin layer then it has high risk to get sanded trough by too aggressive sanding. The sanding by hand must be done with the stroke direction along to the grain pattern. A hand block can be used to help the sanding the flat veneer. The sanding machines also can be used to do the sanding process, but must be done carefully.
If the veneer has special arrangement, the sanding will be more complicated. The sanding machine is absolutely needed to sand the special inlay veneer. The wide belt sander or stroke sander is very good machine to handle this job. If the big machine is not available, then the hand sander machine can be used to take care the wood veneered panel
If the finishing process requires physical distress, then we need to consider the thickness of the veneer layer. Some of physical distress such as: nails, rocking or chaining can be performed without any problems, but the distress with deep wounds cannot be held. The gouges distress with chisel, or sanded trough distress can peel of the veneer layer form the damage to the veneer. For the big and deep distress we better uses the veneer with thick layer or solid wood panel.

5 comments for "Finishing for the wood veneered panel."

  1. Wood is much more attractive than manufactured wood. This type of furniture will last for many years and it looks stylish and expensive. Another major benefit of wood furniture is that you can get it at low prices if you look around. Thanks a lot.
    remove water marks

    1. Yes agree. Wood has more value since it is more natural. Wood also will have more value by the age.
      But since the furniture now is more shorter lifetime, then the wood veneer is good option for some type of furniture product.

      Thanks for the comment.

  2. i was having problem with the sanding process. but thanks to this post..i'm about to be done..

    contemporary furniture

    1. Yes, the sanding process is the critical point in the finishing. It is need to be done properly to get the maximum result in the finishing.

  3. This blog has very distinct features. Thanks
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